Azazel against it
Short movie

Sometimes, even 3 steps toward love can be an impossible task. But when two partners need each other the most, when the best approach is through strength, then true feelings, hopes, and fears will show their faces.
Lucio Marzo and Raven Pineda are a gay couple, who have been together for over 11 years. Lucio is a very bright, calm, and positive person, always seeing the good in everything. Raven is his opposite. Not a single week goes by without some drama or another at their house.
After a few unsuccessful suicide attempts, Raven has been prescribed daily medication to help him become more emotionally stable.
Lex Melony
Ernesto Cantu
Alexey Legeza
Lex Melony
Aaron Bergmann
Maciej Londo
Marie Brillant
Carlos Martinez Gimenez
Doug Mackie
Matias Torres
Aaron Bergmann
Edward Tidy, Paulo Riviera, Bella Major, Ernesto Cantu, Tom Everatt, Gregory Cathcart, Oliver Roy, Ciara Pouncett

LUCIO [Edward Tidy]
Lucio is bright, calm, and positive. He works in finance and is the planner/organizer in a situation; easy to get on with. Lucio has recently been diagnosed with cancer, but he has great strength and is determined to fight it, despite ongoing personal difficulties.
RAVEN [Paulo Rivera]
In contrast to Lucio, Raven is dark, emotionally unstable, negative, and generally pessimistic. He has been in a relationship with Lucio for over 11 years. Due to his difficult and unhappy past, he has had to start taking tranquillizers to help him remain balanced. During a successful career as a stage actor, Raven suffered a mental breakdown and never worked in the theatre again. At the same time, he was lucky enough to find Lucio who has become a vital pillar of support for him. Almost a recluse and not being able to hold down the occasional job for more than 3 to 4 months, Raven creates drama for Lucio on a weekly basis over the smallest thing.
AMANDA [Bella Major]
Preferably Asian/Black Raven’s only remaining friend from before his breakdown, Amanda felt obliged to be close to him during that difficult time, but has never forgotten how much Raven helped her when first getting into her present career as a casting agent for theatre and television. She is a tough, gay woman in a small human body; a no-nonsense type, but always has a sweet and gentle side for a friend in need.
PABLO [Ernesto Cantu]
A friend and colleague of Lucio, Pablo is a straight guy with a roving eye and high sex drive, changing girlfriends frequently. He is very optimistic and seizes each day with both hands, but is intelligent enough to avoid putting himself into dangerous situations. A lover of all things expensive and extravagant, his dream is to one day own a Ferrari. Pablo exudes confidence at all times, but deep down he is a man who is afraid of having lasting relationships and of being responsible for anyone but himself; hence the reason why he changes sex partners as often as he does.
JACK [Gregory Cathcart]
A friend of Lucio and Pablo. Gay and solid boyfriend material; loyal, faithful, and family-orientated. Jack’s behavior can sometimes be too dry, almost prudish; his bedside manner is somewhat lacking and his advice can sometimes amount to simply “snap out of it”.
JAMES [Oliver Roy]
Jack’s boyfriend, James is young, optimistic, and hormonal. Funny, some might say a little strange, but very genuine and has a mischievous side. Creative and highly artistic, James is searching for his big and exciting chance to study in a mysterious, exotic corner of the world, but hasn’t quite decided what or where that is yet.
AZARIA [Ciara Pouncett]
Another temporary girlfriend of Pablo, Azaria is chic and likes to wear the latest figure-hugging fashion, highlighting her well-maintained physique, as well as enjoying time with delicious cocktails.
MARK [Tom Everatt]
An affable young gay man who works in the publishing industry, Mark has a big and charming smile, at which it is almost impossible to resist smiling back. His kindly face puts you at ease, generating a gentle warmth and coziness.
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Azazel against it

Azazel against it

Azazel against it