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Take part of 1st Script Race  

Review our Rules and Guidelines to make sure your script is eligible.

Please send the correct file of your script! 

We cannot accept revised pages or new drafts after submission.

Please format your PDF file name with your script title and author name only.

Example: " Stronger Side by Ves Fries.pdf. "

Related to the character (Sexual Orientation)
Related to the character (Gender Identity)
Upload File

That all of the below information is accurate and complete.

That I agree to the Rules and Guidelines of the Lexme Script Race Competition.

That the submitted screenplay is an original work and is the sole property of the applicant (s).

To my agreement to hold the Lexme Script Race Competition harmless from and defend them against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, judgments, liabilities, and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, based on any stories submitted to the Lexme Script Race Competition.

That the burden of obtaining copyright or otherwise protecting any proprietary interests in the material, if I wish to do so, rests entirely with me.

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